Opening a bookstore has always been my dream, just not one I thought I'd ever actually get to achieve. But here I am, and I am so thankful for it!
Tales & Tomes is a balls-to-the-wall attempt to not rack up more student debt in a dwindling economy and skyrocketing interest rates, but still have a fancy job with a fancy job title. It seemed the only logical thing to do in the "unprecedented event of our lifetime" #53 (or was it #54? I've lost count) was to invest a semester's worth of university tuition and create my own career instead, and why not make it something I absolutely love doing and doesn't feel like I'm selling my soul to The Man? It seems like a decent pay-off to me.
I have BIG goals for my little bookstore, including a storefront one day (must haves: coffee bar), maybe a book club (buddy reads anyone?), maybe some in-house designed bookish merch, and maybe even some Special Edition books or book boxes.
Every purchase you make brings Tales & Tomes closer to achieving all of this and more. Maybe more, this is a lot of things tbh...
Thank you for supporting a small business and my dreams.
Alisha x